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I am New

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what to expect 


Our weekly services are located near major streets and freeways, and in proximity to public transportation. Please see our Service Times for details. Although we do not have a transportation ministry as of yet, if you need a ride, you can contact our offices and our office staff can connect you with a church member who would be willing to provide a ride.


Upon arriving you will be welcomed by on of our greeters and you can choose any seating to your preference (with the exception of seating with a reserved seating sign).  We invite you to come as you are. Whether you are dressed up in a suit and dress, or you prefer a more casual  attire, it is all the same to us. We are here to encounter God. If you arrive early, we have a time of prayer at the alters. Once the service starts we have a time of praise and a time of worship. Our Pastor or a minister on staff will share a word out of the Bible and from there we open up the alters for those who may be in need of prayer. The services are typically an hour and a half in time frame.




We have parking available on-site at all our services. Our security ministry and parking attendants are available if you have any questions or special needs.



Our altars are open for prayer half an hour prior to every service. If you have a prayer request or would like a staff member to pray with you, please see our Prayer Ministry table.



If you have any questions or special needs, please see one of our ushers or greeters.





We invite your children to attend our "Next -Gen" Children services (ages 5-10).  Our children have their own 3000 square ft facility. The children's department has a coordinator on both sides (0-4 and 5-10). The coordinator is the point of contact for the parents as well as the teachers. Each child has to be signed in and signed out by a parent or a sibling over the age of 16. 


Next Gen has a time of interactive play time, a time of worship, a time to pray for the family, the teachers teach a lesson that is catered to their ages, and they also do a craft. A small snack and beverage is provided. For children who have allergies we ask that parents pack a small snack and beverage so that their child can be included in snack time.


All snacks are typically healthy with the exception in the occasion where it's a child's birthday, and a parent brings in cupcakes or sweets for their child's class. Unless it is brought to the coordinators attention to not allow your child to have a specific snack, the snack that is available will be given to all children.


We also have baby G.A.N.G. for infants and toddlers; we provide a fun playful environment with our very own indoor interactive play land (ages 2-4), and an infant nursery is also available for babies ages 6-12 mths.



Restroom rules:


No teachers will enter the restroom with any child.

If a child has to use the restroom, the coordinator is called and the coordinator will walk the child to the restroom and wait outside until the child is done. When the child is done using the restroom, the coordinator will ask the child if the child washed their hands, and from their the coordinator will walk the child back to their class.



Teachers are not permitted to change diapers.  If a child needs to be changed, the parent will be contacted and asked to come to the facility to change their child. â€‹We encourage that your child be changed prior to drop off so that they are not at risk of  remaining in a soiled diaper. 

Our Pastor's Story

Pastor Danny and Carmen Cruz were installed as the Senior Pastors of Victory Outreach Mesa on February 5, 2018 with just handful of faithful members. From the beginning, Victory Outreach Mesa focused on connecting with people, growing spiritually, reaching families, and committing ourselves to excellence. With the message of the Gospel, our passion for God, and dynamic spirit filled services and vibrant style, the word quickly spread throughout family members, friends and co-workers, and this brought immediate and supernatural growth. 


Today, with over 180 in attendance strong (and growing) at our weekly services, God is at work in Victory Outreach Mesa. Our goal is to see people truly encounter God on a personal level, discover their purpose, and fulfill the call of God within their lives. 


For over fifty years, the foundational beliefs that have been a primary motivating factor in Victory Outreach are seen evident in the thousands of lives that have never been the same since they walked through the doors of Victory Outreach. Victory Outreach is uniquely distinguished by its fundamental belief in God’s love and in the transforming power of His love for hurting people from all walks of life.



Our Beliefs

Victory Outreach believes in the church’s mission to reach the lost as mandated by Christ in what is known as the Great Commission found in the Gospels. Jesus commands his disciples “… go and make disciples of all nations” and “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation” (Mt 28:19, Mark 16:15 ).


Victory Outreach believes that the Spirit of God is still actively working in the building of the church through manifestations such as the Baptism of the Holy Spirit for the empowerment of service, speaking in tongues and the impartation of spiritual gifts to each believer (Acts 1: 4-8, 2: 1-4, I Cor 12, Rom 12: 5-8).


The beliefs of Victory Outreach can be classified as Evangelical and Pentecostal. Following is the organizations Statement of Faith which are the nonnegotiable tenets of faith that all Victory Outreach churches adhere to.


Victory Outreach Beliefs Document

Statement Of Faith

  You Belong here


Baby Gang

Ages 0-4



Ages 5 thru 9


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